
Don't forget to click to read the rest of the post!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's Time to Take Some Action, Boys...

That statement could apply to any number of things going on in our lives right now.
There's lots of action to be... took.
Ahem. Anyway, in this particular case, I am talking about the still sad state of this blog.
So, I am resolving to post at least once a week.
And this resolution is not just for myself.
I have made it for the other (so-called) contributors to this blog, as well. They will be informed as soon as they wake up this morning.

To start, here are some video clips from our marshmallow roasting exploits last night.

Noooo... It was going to be perfect. I just wanted to melt the chocolate a teeny bit, and it slipped off and was lost forever. Until Avery thought he rescued it. And then lost it again.

^ This is why we'll never be singing sensations.
Competing in song while also terribly off key-- not a pretty thing.

Last summer, Andrea wrote about each of our marshmallow-roasting techniques.
Prettty funny stuff.
Oh, wait. That was two summers ago. What in the world? Time flies.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Abigail's Adjectives

I forgot about this post... I wrote it a few months ago. But it's worth posting any way. =)

I found a piece of lined paper on the counter that had all of our names listed down the side. I could tell it was Abigail's handwriting and I picked it up and started reading. Of course, I read what was written next to my name first. Buuut here's what it looked like, in it's unfinished glory:

Daddy hairy, nice, strong, tan, handsom
Amy pretty, hard working, brown eyes, kind
Andrea nice, funny, creativ, artistick, long haired
Allen tall, creatin, helpful, hamer toed, smelly
Allison livly, helpful, screen headed

Bahahaha, Allen's. Cretin? Creating? I'm not sure...