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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Our Wonderful Parents

Happy 21st Anniversary!

Pictures by Andrea, September 2009

I love my parents, and I'm so incredibly thankful for them! They truly are the best. I can't believe how blessed I am to have them for my parents.

I have a beautiful mother who listens when I speak, comforts me when I cry, rebukes me when I need it, and always laughs with me. She's so kind and gentle, and very slow to anger. She even puts up with me when I'm not any of those things, and not only that, but loves me in spite of it! She's the best teacher and counselor I could ever ask for. She's especially gifted in that way. But she does more than just lead with her words - she lives it out. She's given me an unsurpassable example of what it looks like to be a wonderful, Biblical helpmeet and mother. My mother willingly and gladly serves her husband and her children with all her heart. I want to be that someday. My mother is always joyful and so content! I don't think I've ever heard her complain, no matter the situation. I'm so thankful for her time, love, and dedication that she's happily poured into raising us.

My father is amazing! He is so honorable, dutiful, loyal, and caring. He's the best listener and comforter. He's so much fun - always teasing, joking, and playing games with us. He's a fierce protector and a dedicated provider. The main quality that sets my father above the rest is his big heart. My fathers loves like no one else. I have never, not for one single second in my life, felt unloved. Daddy's always there! His love is evident in everything he does. He's always sure to spend as much time with his family as possible. As long as I can remember, he's taken us, his children, to work and included us in so many other ways. He loves my mother so so much, and he loves all of us kids equally. We all know Daddy would die for any one of us without a thought. He genuinely loves his friends, and he even extends his kindness to strangers wherever he goes. He's touched many hearts and made many a person's day by any small act of kindness he extends - whether it be a smile, a joking comment, a listening ear, a good conversation, or a favor. Some may think these qualities make him soft, but my father is also the strongest man I have ever known of. He stands rock solid on his principles, his morals, and for his Savior. Those who come up against him in any of those areas quickly realize that though he's merciful, he's anything but a push-over. I don't deserve such a great father! I'm so thankful.

I love my parents. They're the best. Life couldn't be any better.

Mommy and Daddy, thanks for everything, and I hope you especially enjoy this day


  1. Great post amy! :)

    Happy anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Fountain!

  2. Happy anniversary to you both.. Love you dearly. Dani, so proud of the man you have evolved into. Uncle Boxie would be sook happy & proud of you today...

  3. Amy, let the know I said, "happy anniversary!" okay? :)

    This really was beautiful, Amy, and it's a wonderful blessing and tribute for your parents!!

  4. okay,okay do another twenty one.love richard,


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