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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Abigail, Anna, A.T (I should just refer to him as @ to save time) and I hardboiled some eggs and drew faces on them with Sharpie markers. They turned out pretty funny.

On the right is a security guard named John. On the left is a multi-faced egg without a name.

These are Abigail's eggs, and they are named, from left to right, Itchy the Pirate, Susie, and Strawberry.

Anna's eggs: Lady, Pretty, and Orangy the Pirate

My eggs: The BFFs
The tragic fate of the BFFs


  1. Wow, you're a creative bunch! They're all great. And Andrea, your egg's eyes are really cool. :D


  2. Funtins..... seriously. I know stuff has happened to you since eggs!

  3. Nice.

    Y'all are definitely a fun family...


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