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Monday, November 15, 2010

This will be untitled.

I think I would like to pass the family blog baton on to... someone else.

Maybe Allison.
[Help us out, woman.]

I noticed that we haven't posted since September!
This is a very pathetic state of things.

Well, Andrea turned 18 last month.
She is now my only adult sibbling.

Happy Birthday, roomie!
(Cue the confetti.)

: * : ' :  * : ' : * : ' : * : ' :
: ' : * : ' : * : ' : * : ' : * :

: * : ' : * : ' : * : ' : * : ' :

[I'm sorry I missed it in the blog world, and that I'm too lazy to do a cool post now. But, I did post all your senior pictures... I think that counts for something. Plus, check out that internet confetti I just typed up.
Also, you just whacked me with a neon green pipe. That hurt a little bit. So, now we are even.]

In other news: