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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Very Overdue and Very Merry Christmas Post

I know, I know, it's been forever(ish) since I last posted on here.
And now that I finally do post, it's a late post, to boot!

But it's better late than never, right?

Anyway, we had a wonderful time celebrating Christ's birth.

I can't believe Christmas was 2 whole months ago! At that point, we were mostly unpacked and were able to decorate our house. We were so happy about that. The tree got moved around a few times until we figured out the perfect spot for it in our living room. Sadly, it wasn't until after Christmas that it was placed there.

We spent our Christmas Eve in our favorite, usual way; with our grandparents at their home.

These are a few pictures I took near their house on our way over, from inside our moving car.