
Don't forget to click to read the rest of the post!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Business name ideas, anyone?

Hi everyone! Allen and I are down in the Pueblo mall today running a kiosk for Daddy's caramel apple business. (I'm posting via Allen's phone with his 30 day free internet trial...) We were thinking, and we're really in need of a catchy name. Any suggestions? Right now, our signs just say, "Caramel Apples and More." The official business name is "Andrew's Kitchen." That name is so-so... We were thinking maybe we could incorporate our last name somehow since it is fairly unique. But we're not tied down to that. Right now, my best idea is "Ann & Andy's Sweets." Anyway, I know we have plenty of smart and creative friends, so I thought I'd throw this out there. =)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Walk

These are the promised photos of the first walk in our new house.

That is not a giant multicolored turtle on the far left. It's Avery with one of their cardboard shields strapped to his back.