
Don't forget to click to read the rest of the post!

Monday, November 30, 2009


These are some pictures I got of the last walk we took when we were at our old house. The five little ones and I used to go down to the coffeeshop and get ice cream. There was a little park on the way, and the little ones loved it. Sometimes, on birthdays, we'd take sandwiches, sit up in the big oak tree, and have a picnic.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our new home!

On our sidebar there is a little blurb about us. Part of it says:

Currently, we live in the suburbs in Northern Colorado. That will be
changing soon. Lord willing, we will be building a log cabin on some land,
debt-free, and closer to our church family in the very near future.
Meanwhile, we have to be out of our house in a matter of months, so we are
looking for a place to rent.

Well, we have found the place to rent and moved completely! We are now in Elizabeth, Colorado. It is a beautiful part of the state; half prairie, half trees. Where we are it is mostly prairie. We love the openness and still being able to see some of the mountains.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Belated Happy Birthday

to Andrea Grace! I love you, Andrea! May God bless you even more in the coming year!)

Andrea turned SEVENTEEN on October 28th.

We had a party with some girls from our church and their families. Abby and Rachel share a birthday with Andrea. Daddy made a really neat tiered cake for them.

Hailey (whose birthday was the 26th) and her family were supposed to come, but were sick. =(
By the time we found out that they weren't going to be able to come, it was too late; Daddy had already piped Hailey's name on the cake. Abigail cried out,"Oh no! They can't come? Who is going to blow out Hailey's candles??" Haha...

                                                                          The Cake:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Many to come

Our poor blog has been sorely neglected, and for that I apologize. But, but, but, I think my excuses are valid. For one, we MOVED last Saturday! Yes, more to come on that.
Anyway, our internet is now set up, and I will try to add a bunch of posts and try to get the blog caught up.

That's all for now!